Interview .

Assalamualaikum . hee :)

i went to PBAKL a few days ago . hee . mula mula ingat nak cite pasal tu . tp , bila fikir balik , malas la . typical . cerita beli buku ape , ape jadi kt sana . best best . *gedik . ish ish . so , lemme cerita pasal apa yg i tengah buat sekarang . hee . sila rasa bosan .

on 29th of April , i akan kena interview . hee . so , this time , i tgh chat ngn Naa . haha . baru taw , ada lagi org ta faham shortform iv tu stands for what . ingatkan aku sorg yg lmbt nk pick up . okey Naa , it's stands for Interview . hee . so , i takut sangat . gila apa . first time kot . anda anda yg hebat , mungkin sudah muak dgn pggl interview la . ye la , asal apply je , dapat la semua . tahniah .

so , i read this , since mak suruh get ready if it happens that they ask about the surplus of doctors in Malaysia . so , i baca la the " Do you want to be a doctor " post . meh i share ape yg i rasa sepanjang i baca tu .

Osler a great Physician whom your aunt and I both greatly admire said that THE VERY FIRST QUALIFICATION is a Love for Humanity. I believe that that quality is far more important than all the ‘A’s in your result slip.
oke , setakat ni , Alhamdulillah . aku rasa aku nak jadi doctor because of my love to humanity . bukan la sebab aku rasa jadi dktor ni cool , hidup senang , kerja cnfirm dapat .

students learn through SDL – Self directed learning. Its philosophy being that the advance of knowledge is so rapid that Students MUST learn to teach themselves rather than being taught formally in a Lecture Hall. This demands very matured and disciplined students for to the lazy student, SDL means Sleeping DeepLy. Are you prepared for years of being a nerd?
err . oke . keyakinan da tggl 80% . i do prepare for years of being a nerd cause i do think that i one of them , KOT ? hee . tapi , bila kena balajar sendiri , aku cuak . sebab aku selalunya lost bila tade org ajar . bila tade org yg smpai kan ilmu tu . sume kena baca sendiri . otak aku block . tanak terima .

“The practice of medicine is an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business; a calling in which your heart will be exercised equally with your head. Often the best part of your work will have nothing to do with potions and powders, but with the exercise of an influence of the strong upon the weak, of the righteous upon the wicked, of the wise upon the foolish”.~Sir William Osle
aku senyum . sejuk hati bila baca . aku tringin nak kawen ngn orang kaya . sebab ? so that aku bole berbakti tanpa mengharapkan sebarang duit . service for free . ye la , suami aku la tanggung . haha . tapi , entah la . alhamdulillah , setakat ni , tu yg aku rasa . semoga berkekalan .

Ask yourself Daryl, what do you want? I do not want you to come to medical school and be disillusioned by what you see in the REAL MEDICAL WORLD as compared to the idealised world that we had projected.Doctors must never forget why we became doctors in the first place, and the wonder of caring for fellow humans. 
ohh . sila ganti Daryl dengan nama anda wahai doctor-to-be . meh i jawab . i want to help people . the unlucky one the most . rasa happy bila bole tolong org , buat org happy .

You will finally graduate and become a house officer. Yes the field is as packed as sardines from Malaysia to UK to Australia, Dr Pagal is NOT exaggerating when he says that jobs will be difficult to come by soon. But if you are GOOD, you will be wanted!  It’s TOUGH I do not deny that, and TOUGHER as the years pass by, BUT again I emphasize, if you are good, you will be wanted, for the good doctor is a rare specimen.
lepas panjang membaca . aku lelah . keyakinan aku merudum lagi . 50% oke . but then , bila baca tu . naik balik . IF YOU ARE GOOD , YOU WILL BE WANTED ! oke la . da naik balik . so sekarang , all i need to do is try my best . ask Him for the best of me . work as hard as i can . be a good doctor . hukum alam , benda baik sume org nak . jangan lupa rasa kasih terhadap pesakit . bukan penyakit .

so , last nya , semangat aku datang balik . sebenarnya , at the end , we are the one who creating our future . and yes with His helps ofcourse . so ,

Dear you . if it happens that you read this until here and you are not even considering on taking medicine course , all i can say to you , stay strong . where you are . what ever you are . stay strong . niat kena suci . jangn duk kejar duit je . benda dunia ni , makin banyak kita ade , makin tak cukup kita rasa . kejar redha Allah . tu kunci masuk syurga . hee .

Munirah , this path wont be easy . be strong . be bold . again , great things wont come easy right ?

HAHA . nak bagi semangat kt diri sendiri pun tergntung sebab kat dalam tg bergaduh . sng dan susah . pro and con . hee . semoga Allah bg yg terbaik . semoga Allah redha .